About St Chad's

The first church on this site, dedicated to St Chad, was an Anglican Mission Church, part of All Saints, Gravelly Hill.  The opening service was on 4th November 1914, in the early months of the Great War.  The church later was transferred to the care of Erdington Parish Church (St Barnabas) and eventually became a totally independent parish church in 1967.

St Chad’s Church in its present form was created in 1974 by the joining together of local Anglican and Methodist Churches.  We are one of the earliest Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs), governed by a special Constitution, and part of both the Church of England and The Methodist Church.

In 2014 we celebrated our Centenary as a church on this site, and our 40th Anniversary as a joint Anglican/Methodist LEP.

On the Church of England side, we are part of the Aston & Sutton Coldfield Deanery in the Diocese of Birmingham.

On the Methodist side, we are part of the Sutton Park Circuit, which in turn is part of the Birmingham District.


At St Chad’s we aim to be:

 A Worshipping Church—meeting every Sunday to worship God.

 A Serving Church—looking outwards for ways of serving the local community.

 A Loving Church—taking care of each other, especially in times of illness, loneliness or other difficulties.

 A Learning Church—through teaching, discussion and study, learning more about our faith

 A Growing Church—reaching out to the local community and welcoming all who come to join us

If you would like to know more about St Chad's go to our Contact Us page, or simply come along to our service on a Sunday at 10.30 a.m.  You will receive a warm welcome. 

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